Straus USA

Steve Straus

I’m Steve Straus, and I’ve been in the “ah-ha” business since 1987. An ah-ha is a sudden shift in the way you see or think or feel about something. That shift, that ah-ha, causes something to be different for the rest of your life!

Having a Coach who can look at your situation from a different perspective, discern a new truth about you, and then voice that new awareness to you in a succinct and powerful way, can cause you to have the ah-ha experience.

Many times, business owners, executives, professionals and people of means feel like they have to go it alone. They can’t get personal advice from their employees because of the difference in roles. They can’t get much from their board because of the fear of raising doubts or appearing weak. That’s where I come in.

I can’t make you walk on water, cure the sick or work miracles, but I CAN help you become the best YOU you can be and that will change everything. Your business will grow, your family life will improve and most importantly, you will have a lot more joy on your journey.

Which of these
    describes you?

"He was my success

You are...







Facts About Coaching

I encourage you (when you need it), listen to you (always), non-critically help you see things from other perspectives (that’s fun!), and, most importantly, I’m on your side to help you be more successful.

I won’t make decisions for you, but I will help you to make better decisions.

I will assist you to…

  • see with clarity,
  • focus with perspective, and
  • create structures which support you…

for whatever you want to have.

As your Business Coach I can help you…

  • be encouraged
  • explore ideas to grow your business
  • achieve your business goals
  • be more effective communicating
  • let go of what no longer serves you
  • plan your company’s growth
  • get back up when you’re down
  • have honest feedback
  • avoid making expensive mistakes
  • take a bigger leap than you think you can
  • spend less time IN the business and more time ON the business
  • make adjustments in the way you lead

As your Life Coach I can help you…

  • find life’s meaning
  • find your passion
  • define your mission and fulfill it
  • sort out conflicting priorities
  • make it through the tough times
  • gain perspective on your situation
  • find encouragement and comfort
  • take bigger steps than you think possible

What I am not…

  • a therapist
  • a judge
  • a parent
  • a driver
  • an implementer
  • an employee
  • a consultant

I can’t make you bigger than you are but everyone is under-experiencing the wonder of their life. I can help you see it, and I can help you live it.

Since 1995 I have been sharing nuggets of wisdom in my weekly email. Subscribe to Steve’s 3 Minute Coaching (for free) to get a taste of my coaching philosophy.

Once a week you can expect a piece of coaching that can be read in 3 minutes or less.

Your information is 100% secure with us and will never be shared.

Call or text me to find out if I’m the right coach for you.


Let's connect